Scars are a natural part of the skin’s healing process, following a wound or injury. Scars are formed when the dermis – the deep, thick layer of skin – is damaged.

Some people seem to scar more noticeably than others. This is based on the overall health and age of the person. Genetic traits that are passed down through families also influence scarring.
A scar is made of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin. This tissue isn’t like normal skin. Scars can become discolored, dry and cracked, feel hard or drawn-up (contracted). Scars are also more sensitive to UV rays. Scars can take up to 2 years to completely form.
So although scars are natural, there are ways to prevent and make scars less noticeable by making them softer, less discolored and flatter.
Two types of scars
Scars are classed as hypertrophic or keloid. Keloid scars occur when the wound hasn’t healed in the normal way. Such scars appear raised, lumpy, hard, red, rope-like and itchy. They tend to be larger than the original area of injury. Hypertrophic scars take the form of a red raised lump across the original area of the wound and may also be itchy. These types of scars may occur after surgery or a burn and are a result of the body producing too much collagen during the healing process.
Consulting a healthcare provider
If the scar breaks open, does not fully heal, or if there are signs of infection such as redness, warm to the touch, swelling, fever, pain or burning, then consult a health care provider.
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